The trodden path leads to a clearing. Pushing back dangling, stressed branches, you find a rock sculpted for human support. You drop your pack on the lush grass and stretch your compacted back. With the load off, you dig for your journal, sit on the cool stone, and open to page one…

Beautiful Land
After reading this, you’ll have a chance to answer questions about the story to earn a free “Fiction Fan” NFT. The leaves shook like the

A Custom Adventure Story
The surroundings have me inspired. Just a moment while I craft something amazing. If I stop, please know that it’s just because I’m exhausted!

“It’s just up ahead.” “Are you sure?” Jax stopped and turned to his friend. “You don’t trust me?” “You know I trust you, it’s just…”

Boscage Betrayal
Day 1 The trees grew thick; thicker than I had ever encountered. My machete dulled with each swing, tearing through enormous branches and clunking against

The wind grabbed at his hat, but he was quick to fight back and hold it in place. “Look at that view!” Davy, standing between